Isaac as Husband and Father
Teaching Biblical family principles is very important in India. In addition to “Marriage and Ministry,” which I teach to all pastors, I sometimes also use a session “A Godly Family …
Teaching Biblical family principles is very important in India. In addition to “Marriage and Ministry,” which I teach to all pastors, I sometimes also use a session “A Godly Family …
GOD EXPECTS PASTORS TO SERVE THEIR FAMILIES FIRST (This blog is a word-for-word transcript of the first session in all my pastors’ conferences in India .In the first two blogs …
BE A GOOD DAD BEFORE BEING A GOOD PASTOR Most of the qualifications for pastors and church leaders in 1 Timothy 3 are one-word descriptions, but one is so important …
WHY SO FEW GOOD BIBLE DADS? At Christmas we focus on Mary, Joseph and the baby Jesus. Often Joseph gets ignored, but he deserved recognition. He is one of the …
WHY SO FEW GOOD BIBLE FATHERS? Becoming a Dad is a simple but being a good Dad is difficult. Why are there so few good fathers mentioned in the Bible? …
NO GREATER JOY… This is an excerpt from my journal on June 1, 2009: Yesterday I had the wonderful privilege of dedicating another granddaughter to the Lord. Addison Kate Schmoyer …
GRANDFATHERLY INSIGHTS As I’ve been watching my adult children and grandchildren I’ve noticed some observations I’d like to share with you. Raising children is a top priority in life, right …
PARENTHOOD NEVER ENDS Since our children have grown and started families of their own we’ve talked to lots of other grandparents. Frankly, I’m surprised by how many feel glad to …
Towards the end of His earthly ministry Jesus repeatedly told His followers that He must go to Jerusalem, suffer, be crucified but come back to life on the third day …
We have blogged about children being demonized (see “Demonizing of Children”). As we talk about marriage and the family we must remember that demons often attack a family or …