NO TIME LIKE THE PRESENT I find myself thinking of life in 2-week time segments.  Two weeks ago, I did this-or-that but I haven’t gotten sick so things are OK.  …

Making the Most of Now

MAKING THE MOST OF NOW Do you find yourself missing life?  Are you anxiously waiting for the time things return to normal?  You aren’t alone.  Many of us are just …


It’s easy to think about our needs during these ties and forget those who have greater needs than ours.  We don’t want to become so focused on ourselves that we …


REJOICING ANYWAY What has God been teaching you through this pandemic, economic crisis and time of civil unrest?  Probably one truth is to keep your eyes on Him more and …

Delays Possible

“DELAYS POSSIBLE” As we drive to see family there is road construction everywhere!  One road sign said “Delays Possible.”  It should really read “Delays Probable.” Our patience runs low with …

Changed Lives

CHANGED LIVES   I love hearing how God is changing lives in India.  Here are some testimonies from pastors YOU have been helped with food.  Thank God for YOUR faithfulness …

Illusions of Control

ILLUSIONS OF CONTROL Most things in life we can’t control: when or where we are born or die, our character, personality or physical appearance. This pandemic has forced us to …