Can You Prove Jesus is the Only Way?


One of the criticisms Christians receive is about the truth that Jesus is the only way of salvation. Many who aren’t Christians will say they don’t mind if we have our belief in Jesus, as long as we also accept their beliefs. But, when we say Jesus is the only way and their beliefs won’t get them to heaven, they reject that truth. They hear us saying that we are right and they are wrong, and people don’t want to hear that. Satan, who is behind the other religions, incites them to strongly oppose Christians for this truth, often making it hard for them to even listen to Christians. This opposition makes some Christians afraid of sharing their faith. As you can see, this truth about Jesus being the only way is a very important part of our faith.

If Jesus isn’t the only way to God, then why should we tell others about Jesus if their way is just as good? In fact, their way to heaven might be easier for they don’t have to humble themselves to ask for forgiveness.  Also, most of the other religions don’t emphasize sin and holiness. How can we know for sure Jesus is the only way of salvation for everyone everywhere?

PROOF FROM THE BIBLE: In the Bible God clearly gives us His truth so we don’t have to wonder or guess. He definitely says salvation is only in Jesus (John 14:6; 8:24; 3:16-18; Acts 4:12; Galatians 1:8). There is no other way of interpreting these verses.  If you believe the Bible is God’s Word, then this is total proof.

PROOF FROM REASONFor those who don’t accept the Bible as God’s authoritative Word, there is also proof from reason that this is true. We have seen there is only one God, the God of the Bible, and that He revealed His truth in the Bible and only the Bible. We know that only Jesus is the true redeemer. In fact, other religions don’t even claim to have a god who redeems from sin. Since God is holy, sin must be dealt with.  Jesus is the only one who could have done that – and He accomplished that on the cross.

Other religions teach we can do enough good to outweigh our bad. They have no way of paying for sin. However, we all know that disobedience can’t be erased by obedience. Obedience is the bottom-line requirement and can never make up for disobedience. That is true in the law of every country in the world. Breaking a law can’t be made up for by keeping other laws. Sin must be paid for – a fine, time in jail or whatever is required. Good works cannot undo the bad. Only Christianity has a Savior who paid for our sin, because He was perfect and didn’t have any sin of His own.

Many people sincerely believe their religion will get them to heaven, but even their deepest sincerity doesn’t change the truth. Faith is only as good as the content, what it is placed in. You can take medicine sincerely believing it will help you, but if it is the wrong medicine it won’t help, it could even harm you. Mankind used to firmly believe the world was flat, not round. No matter how many believed that, or how strongly they believed, it didn’t change the fact the earth is round. No matter how strongly or sincerely people have faith, if it isn’t in a trustworthy object, that faith won’t help them. Only faith in Jesus will remove sin and lead to salvation.

What difference would it make in your life if there were other ways of salvation besides Jesus?

What, to you, is the strongest argument that Jesus is the only way to God?

Pray now and ask God to bring someone into your life this week that you talk to about Jesus being the only way to God.

The next blog in this series is about salvation for those who never heard of Jesus..  For more proof that Jesus is God email me at or download it at    You can also access my book “Why We Believe” at


From Pastor Chebon in Kenya:  “This morning, Bishop ________  ____________ from Tanzania called me wanting to know more about the CTO TET Training programs. He explained to me that he was introduced to me by our CTO TET representative in Uganda. He actually wanted to know what we do and our zeal in training the Pastors and Church leaders. I explained to him all your vision, mission and zeal in making sure that the Church Leaders are fully trained and equipped in order to render effective, healthy and maximum service to the body of Christ.  Thereafter, I extended my invitation to him to find time to pay us a visit in Kenya before the end of the year. He willingly agreed. Praise the Lord Jesus Christ for this divine connection.  This therefore means that, we will have to plan to go to Tanzania before end of this year in order to launch CTO TET TRAINING PROGRAMS there. Pray that God may grant us more grace to accomplish His will.

“Brother, I hope you have proved beyond any reasonable doubt that by God’s grace CTO TET which started like a mustard seed in Kenya, germinated and its roots and branches are spreading to all directions within and without Kenya and beyond. Thank you for the trust you have for me. I’m truly humbled and encouraged by your testimony about me.”



Christian Training Organization

(India Outreach, Spiritual Warfare, Family Ministries, Counseling, World View)

Copyright © 2024


Christian Training Organization
(India Outreach, Spiritual Warfare, Family Ministries, Counseling, World View) Copyright ©1995-2024