(The last of four blogs from a sermon I preached at Rock Point Church, Doylestown, PA, after returning from India in 2017.)
So everyone is called, some to go and others to stay. Some who stay are called to minister to unbelievers, others to believers. James the brother of Jesus was called to stay in Jerusalem and lead the early church. So was John, until later he was called to move to Ephesus to strengthen and mature the church there. Pastors are called to minister to local bodies of believers (Ephesians 4:11-13). The pastors we train in India are called to minister to believers in their villages and towns. Many who aren’t pastors are also called to teach Bible studies, disciple new believers, help in their local church and serve the church in many various ways.
Some are especially called to serve the church through prayer for they are gifted to pray for long periods of time and a focus and intensity most others don’t have. And we can’t forget the importance of those called to help other believers (Galatians 6:2). Luke traveled with Paul to help him. The Good Samaritan helped when he saw a need (Luke 10:25-37). There are many ways people can help each other today. And there are ways they can help serve missionary groups and other ministries as well. Those who help proofread or illustrate my books, who transcribe my messages from India, who help with the web site or assist in so many ways are invaluable helpers.
In India Pastor Moses’ ministry to help others is called New Hope Foundation. Through it he supports an orphanage for 20 children, holds numerous sewing schools to train women with a useful skill, feeds lepers, offers after school help for children, provides food and clothing for widows, oversees the drilling of water wells in needy areas and does many other things.
If you look around you can discover many ways you can help other believers. Verbally encouraging others is important as well and some are especially called to that special ministry (1 Thessalonians 4:18; 5:11, 14).
Yes, all are called, some to go and others to stay. It you are called to go then don’t stay. If you are called to stay then don’t go. Each role is equally important. Do you know where God has called you? If not, think about where you have a talent or skill that can be used. Where do you have a burden to serve? What do others affirm in you as being of value to the Body of Christ? Are you fulling your calling here? What can you do to start following your calling right now?
Galatians 6:2 Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.
Who has helped carry your burdens when you were in need? Who can you help today?
How has God called you to serve, where you are or elsewhere? Are you to serve believers or unbelievers (or both)? What, specifically, has God called you to do?
INDIA UPDATE: From Pastor Moses: “We had a wonderful Tailoring women Graduation service Yesterday and today in two places in Hyderabad, here are some of the pictures for Prayers .There are 3 women who will be getting the free sewing machines. They are so grateful for American Christians who have provided them. Appreciate your prayers and support for the sewing schools in India, where we reach more families to equip and train for self employment . There are 5 more places where Pastors who are asking the training schools where they can reach their neighbor hood with this sewing schools to empower women and share the gospel to them ,we need more machines and support to train more women in rural and urban. There are many women who come to knew the Lord and reading the Bible after they come to the training school, any from Non-Christian Background.”
PRAY FOR the continuing, ongoing work and ministry of the pastors we work with in India. We are only there one month a year, there are there all 12 and the work goes on and on and on. Pray for these women who are coming to the Lord and starting to grow in Him. Living in a Hindu or Moslem family and trying to follow the Lord as a new Christian can be quite difficult, especially for women who often have very little freedom.
Jerry Schmoyer
Christian Training Organization