Burnt Buildings and Burnt Hearts

While in India I blogged about a church near where we were that was burnt during the night of January 16 and the Bibles in it destroyed.  This led to 2,750 Telugu Bibles being donated for Christians in India.  A few days ago I received the following email from Pastor Moses, along with the pictures below:

Today (March 19) I went to  Tadur village where the church was burnt in January, met some of the belivers and elders, went there to the church site and all the instruments and books, mats were burnt out, and now they are praying for the new church, slowly gathering matterial for construction of the church ,which will cost $8000. I will be going again to visit them end of March with our church elders to have meeting and distribute Bibles and song books to them.  It is a Dalit church.  They went to the police for help but have not found the ones who did it.  The believers are very strong in their faith and are praying for a new church to worship. So one of the teacher from other village comes and helps them on Every Sunday, so they have some elders to run it. Church instruments were burned, chairs, carpets, and table, they bought some new carpets to sit, still they are worshiping there in the same church.  I will return in a few weeks and bring Bibles and tracts to replace those which were destroyed.   

It’s very encouraging to see these poor believers pressing on, not running in fear but rebuilding.  Persecution and rejection is making them stronger.  In the book of Acts that is what brought the growth of the church.  The same is true many places around the world today.  Does that happen in your life when you face difficulties because of your faith?  As things become more difficult for Christians in the USA we should see this as an opportunity for our faith to shine brighter to those in darkness.  (Doylestown, PA March 24, 2015)

I Peter 4:12 Dear friends, do not be surprised at the painful trial you are suffering, as though something strange were happening to you. 13 But rejoice that you participate in the sufferings of Christ, so that you may be overjoyed when his glory is revealed. … if you suffer as a Christian, do not be ashamed, but praise God that you bear that name. … 19 So then, those who suffer according to God’s will should commit themselves to their faithful Creator and continue to do good.

When the enemy ‘burns’ something that was important to you, how do you respond?  How are you responding today to the obstacles and difficulties you face?  Do you know of someone going through difficult times?  What can you do to reach out to them and encourage them in their faith?  Do so today.

NEWS: Our books are still being distributed and used by God.  Here’s another email from Pastor Moses: 

The Pastors whom I have met in ______ who attended the conference says, they were using  the Bible Prophecy, Family and ministry as their sermons on Sunday, said Thank you very much for those books. One lady called me yesterday from Vijayawada, and wanted 3 more books of Bible prophecy and 3 more copies of Marriage and Ministry, she says that she read the Marriage and Ministry book for 5 times still she is reading, 6th time, she liked that book very much, and she wanted to present to other friends, she is a teacher working in a private school, she got it from one of their Pastors who attended the conference in _____________.

PRAYER REQUESTS: Pray God would continue to use His truth in the Word and the books we distribute to bring glory to Him and encouragement to those who read them.Continue to pray for the men translating the book on Bible Overview.  

Pray for time to do it, wisdom in how to translate, and that the truth of God’s Word be clearly conveyed through it all.We are in need of people to give $25 a month to help support a pastor in India.  

Pray for people to be willing to do this, and ask God if it is something He wants you to do.

Christian Training Organization
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(India Outreach, Spiritual Warfare, Family Ministries, Counseling, World View) Copyright ©1995-2025

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