Are You Like Abraham or Joseph?


Christians are to be godly mates. What does that mean? New Testament Joseph is a good example. Joseph was legally engaged to Mary. He gave her his dowry, but before the marriage ceremony he found she was pregnant.  This hurt him deeply. God’s law said Joseph could not marry her. He would have to break the relationship with her.

          There were 3 ways he could break it. He could have her stoned to death for adultery. Second he could bring her in front of all the people and shame.  It would show everyone it was her fault and Joseph was innocent.  People would mock and criticize her.  Joseph would get his dowry back.  Most of the men would have done this for being unfaithful. Thirdly, he could quietly break the relationship.  Everyone would mock him and blame him.  He would lose his dowry.  But Mary would be protected from the shame.

Which of those 3 did Joseph choose? – The third.  He chose to do it quietly to protect her.  It was a big sacrifice on his part but it would protect Mary from the shame.  How do you think it made Mary feel?

          Not all the husbands in the Bible are like Joseph.  Abraham was an example of a husband who did not put his wife first.  He obeyed God and moved to a new land but there was a famine.  Instead of trusting God to provide their needs he went down to Egypt.  En route, Pharaoh would take all the beautiful women and put them in his harem.  If the woman was married he would kill the husband.  Sarah was very beautiful and Abraham didn’t want to die. 

Do you know what he told her to do?  Tell them you are my sister.  When they came and took her for the harem they didn’t kill Abraham.  How do you think that made Sarah feel?  Did she feel Abraham was protecting her?   Was Abraham taking care of himself & not protecting her?

          Joseph sacrificed himself to protect Mary.  Abraham put himself first and didn’t protect Sarah.  Men, who are you more like?  Are you more like Abraham or are you more like Joseph?  Who would your wife say you are more like?  Would she say, “My husband protects me like Joseph” or “My husband protects himself like Abraham?”  God wants us to be husbands like Joseph

          Marriage is a picture of God and the church.  It shows the world what God’s relationship with us is like.  For that to happen we need to have godly marriages that reflect God’s love to us.

Ephesians 5:25-33  Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her. …  In this same way, husbands ought to love their wives as their own bodies. He who loves his wife loves himself. … Each one of you also must love his wife as he loves himself.

Husbands, do you show love to your wife the same as Jesus does to you?  Wives, do you do all you can to help your husband show unconditional love to you? Not married: do you show Jesus’ love to others in the way you treat them?

INDIA UPDATE & PRAYER REQUEST:  This pastor has been staying in touch with me through email.  Pray for him and his ministry.
 The Pastor Jerry,  Sir, I am Pastor Mark, glad to attend to the class and blessed by your teaching, and hope it will enhance my ministry life to win souls for Christ.   Sir here is I would like to bring few line into your prayer concern.  I worked in Mennonite church but I was convinced to do ministry on my own, so started ministry newly.  I attended your class yesterday and I am blessed with the teaching and it is my prayer to work with you if you could allow me to expand my ministry in your leadership. 
And I am blessed with the testimony of wife of Pastor Jerry and I would like to express my heartfelt thanks to her model life to other ministers here in India.  Pray for my family and the house church which is having 3 families and also monthly needs.   (see pictures below)


Christian Training Organization  ©2019

 (India Outreach, Spiritual Warfare, Family Ministries, Counseling, World View)

Copyright © 2019

Christian Training Organization
(India Outreach, Spiritual Warfare, Family Ministries, Counseling, World View) Copyright ©1995-2025