Advocate, Intercessor (Names of Jesus)

            When I was in the Army I saw a sign for someone called a Judge Advocate.  I didn’t know what that was but soon learned it was a lawyer – someone who is an advocate for those in need.  For someone with a legal problem, they were very important.  The Bible says Jesus is our Advocate (I John 2:1), someone we need when we have a legal (sin) issue with God. 

            Satan accuses God’s people to Him, pointing out sin and inferring things to get us under God’s judgment.  That is what he did with Job (Jon 1:6) and Peter (Luke 22:31-32).   Any time we do anything wrong Satan runs and tattles to God, reminding God that His holiness demands He judge sin and punish us.  He calls for the death sentence, which is what sin demands (Romans 6:23; 3:23).  But our defense attorney, Jesus our Advocate, steps in and defends us by showing that the debt of sin was paid for by His work on the cross.  He doesn’t deny, explain away or excuse our sin – He shows when and how He paid for it so there is no punishment for us.

            Several years ago in Cincinnati a lawyer was appointed by the court to defend a man accused of burglary.  However when he started pursuing the case he realized he would have to ask that he be excused from it for the robbery that was committed was against his own office.  Our sin is against God’s holiness, so for He Himself, as Jesus, to be the one to defend us is extraordinary.  He should be accusing us for what we made Him suffer, but instead He pays for our sins and then defends us!  What a marvelous Savior!

            A similar title is that of Intercessor (Romans 8:27, 34; Hebrew 7:25; 9:24).  An Advocate defends us against accusations of sinful actions but an Intercessor helps us overcome Satan’s temptations and life’s difficulties.  Right now, this very moment, Jesus is praying for us in heaven.  To see an example of what He prays for read John 17:18-26. 

            Suppose you were sitting in your home tonight, worried about a problem facing you, and you hear voices coming from the next room.  Quietly you open the door and peek inside. There you see Jesus kneeling praying for the very situation you are facing.  How would that make you feel?  The truth is that He is praying for you now – what a comfort and encouragement that is!

            When you feel alone, deserted or facing life by yourself, remember that Jesus is with you.  He defends you when you sin and prays for you to succeed as you seek to follow His will.



            Pray and thank God for being your Advocate and Intercessor.  Pray for yourself, remembering Jesus is also praying for you.  Think of what He might pray for and pray for the same things for yourself.


Read Revelation 22:12-13.  What 3 pairs of names does Jesus call Himself here?  How are they similar?  How are they different?  If you were the original recipient of John’s book called Revelation, what questions might you have about what he wrote here?  What does the context (verses before and after this verse) tell us that adds insight to the meaning of these names?  What do these verses add to the information about these names (Revelation 1:8; 21:6)?

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