A Pastor’s Testimony


I receive emails from pastors that are very encouraging.  I’d like to share this one with you.  “I am very Glad to take this opportunity to share with you my Testimony in Jesus name. I had come from a Hindu family through my parents and they use to worship Naga (snake god ), Trees,

Animal, Air, Moon, Sun, Earth, water , Men’s, Idolatry they worshipped like 330 millions of god’s they worshipped, Mostly my parents worshipped ( snake god ) as their personal god.

“In 1975 while my father is laboring in a farm a Big snake ( Naga ) bite him on his left knee there is no proper medicine and Hospitals in our Village for the snack bite and my father was in a dangerous conditions and he was in coma and all my village people around had lost their hopes. And I also thought that for sure my Father is going to die, and all our village people worshipped many of Hindu gods, but there was no any answer.

“And There is a Church near by our village. My Mother rushed into the Church and knelt down and earnestly prayed to Jesus Christ God the Lord our all-mighty God Jesus heard her prayer. Soon after her prayer my father slowly got well. My parents had worshipped Naga ( Snake ) as their god . But that snake only bite him was about to die. But Jesus came to the earth to save His people from many kind of Sins and He spilled His blood and died on the Calvary to save all the people from these kinds of Sins.

“At that time my mother made a covenant with God to send only one of her son to become a Pastor to do God’s Service at that time my age was 12 years only.  In 10th grade God sought me and saved me.  He called me to full time ministry.  In 1986 I left my job opportunity as school drawing teacher. According to the word of God ( 1John1:7-9, Acts.2:38 ) I repented and baptized in 1987.  I was dedicated by Him for full time to do His work at the age of 18 years old. And I have faced numerous hardships but have not turned my back at any kind of situations and Etc., in my life.

“My uncle helped me go to a Bible college but my father was not happy and he forcefully stopped me from going.  Hence, 10 days after this incident I met Electric Accident very Dangerously , all the people around me thought that I was dead , but God did a great miracle and I was alive to serve Him . And my father realized his mistake and he himself took me to continue for B.Th. course in Bible College training.  Finally, my father came to know that Jesus Christ is the only God who would save His people and my parents were baptized.  My parents are now attending the Church regularly. By this incident I strongly believed God’s plans are different for me to do His work among the Gospel unreached areas and I obeyed His high call and that He has commented me.

“God called me to the unreached area of _______________ .  The first day I arrived I faced much persecution I was verbally treated many times by the antichristians . These people are worshipping  Krishna God. This God is very famous for all over India people. Because of this cause in our working areas people are very strong in Hindu faith.  The ministry was started by me with a single person, but today by the grace of God there is Team of 24 Pastor’s and Evangelists who Toil day and night invading the power of devil’s and extending God’s kingdom.

“Where our Pastors have been beaten for their faith. And they burned our Churches and Bibles and our clothes were torn as they like. In our country Christianity is 3% only. Hinduism is very strong and people are not agreeing the existence of Gospel of Christ.  There are so many places where the truth Gospel of Christ has not reached. It is a very fact even today in our India, there are areas where the Gospel of Christ was not reached, till today their beliefs are clouded in spiritual darkness only.

“And by the Grace of God and our Almighty God has given to me a wonderful blessed family. I have Two Children’s one Daughter and one Son, now they were married, my wife and all my family members were participating with me In doing Evangelism work and Etc.,

“I and my family members and Church members were joined with me to conveying their special and heartfelt Greetings to you and for your lovely family members from India. And also, we are awaiting for your very good fruitful replying as much as soon from yours. We Continuously Praying for your good health and for your family members Golden future and for your doing ministry growth and Etc.,

“Dear sir, I kindly requesting you please pray for India.”

CTO UPDATE:    Indian pastors from various parts of the country are hearing of our ministry and contacting me.  A pastor I have never met wrote this:  “Dear Brother Rev. Dr. Jerry Sir, I salute you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.  Thanks for the good answers you sent.  Sir, we copy all the Bible lessons you send and make photo copies of them and distribute them to the evangelists who are undergoing Bible training near me and our team. Pastors and Evangelists are realizing many truths together.  Learning and teaching people sir.  Thank you sir for every single weekly Bible lesson you send.  How are you all ? We are praying for your good health every day. Give my greetings to your family members in Christ’s name. And How is your health?  Are you ok now?  Every day we remember you in our daily prayers sir.  Awaiting your good reply, may the Lord protect you, Amen.  With many Thanks.  Pastor ______ .”


Christian Training Organization 



(India Outreach, Spiritual Warfare, Family Ministries, Counseling, World View)

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