Hero Wives

            I think I might have mentioned somewhere that I am glad Nancy is here?  Have you got that idea from me over the years?  I certainly hope so!  But there’s more good that comes from her being here than just helping me in a million ways.  She has a great impact on the pastors and wives as well.  She is so opposite of them.  They are quiet and dark, she is warm and white, even with blond hair.  She wins their hearts immediately.  The women and children are drawn to her and feel welcome and accepted by her.  The men are impressed with her godly example of a Christian wife.  Seeing us travel and minister together communicates more than words could ever do.  She shares her testimony each conference and talks about how we met.  That gives them a glimpse of her heart.  She’s been called an “angel” and to me she really is.  I thank God for a sacrificial, godly, loving wife to share life and ministry with.  God is good!!!

            Pastor Moses wife and the wife of the local pastor helping at each conference are also unsung heroes, keeping the family and church together while their husbands are traveling with us and making everything happen here.  Pastor’s wives in India carry a heavy load.  They work hard at their husband’s ministry and don’t get paid.  They have to make the family exist on a very meager income.  And often they don’t get much time or attention from their very busy husbands. Pray for them every time you pray for the pastors of India!!!  (February 12, 2019  Kurnool, India)

Proverbs 31:10 A wife of noble character who can find? She is worth far more than rubies.

Thank God for the godly women in your life, past and present.

Cultural Tidbits #5 – Getting gas for the car

Moses pulls the car up to the filling tanks. There is about 4-5 feet between our car and the motorcycle that was there ahead of us. Immediately 2 more motorcycles cram in front of our car in “line”. This is repeated again as he slowly creeps toward the pump. Most children do not have kindergarten here. Taking turns and waiting in line is learned in kindergarten.

Jerry Schmoyer

Christian Training Organization ©2019



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