A GODLY MARRIAGE (Conference Sessions 2)
Marriage and family life in India is much different than in the west where we have a tradition of Bible values to influence us. The husband wife relationship in India is far from what God describes in the Bible. It’s important to train pastors in God’s truth concerning the family so they can live it and show others how to do the same. For this reason our second conferences session builds on the first when I teach that God expects pastors to put their wives and children before themselves and the church.
“Marriage and Ministry,” the book and the conference, explains what the Bible means when it says husbands are to have sacrificial love for their wives and wives are to have submissive trust for their husbands. I also talk about how they should work as a team in raising their children and ministering to their church. This subject gets more comments after the conference than any other for they are very glad to learn these things. They say they had no idea about this and will apply it to their own marriages and families. Yesterday one man said his marriage was “broken” (separation) but God showed him he needed to forgive his wife, apologize to her and love her like Jesus loves him. We follow up by giving everyone a book going into more detail using Scripture references.
A man can’t minister if his marriage and family are not following Biblical principles (1 Timothy 3:4-5; 1 Peter 3:7). In every country in the world marriages are attacked. Because a Christian marriage is a beautiful picture of Jesus and the church (Ephesians 5:25-33), it needs to be a good example of that in India as well as the USA. (January 28, 2018 Hyderabad, India)
Proverbs 18:22 He who finds a wife finds what is good and receives favor from the Lord.
Psalm 127:1 Unless the Lord builds the house, its builders labor in vain.
How is your relationship with your mate and children? Does it reflect Jesus to the world around you?
If you don’t have a mate or children, think of those who do and pray for them.
(For a free copy of this book go to India.ChristianTrainingOrganization.org and click on “Download Books.” To listen to an audio recording, watch a video recording or read the manuscript of the session click on “Conference Sessions.”)