What God Expects

WHAT GOD EXPECTS (Conference Sessions 1)

The first session of every conference, including my first book, describes what God expects of pastors, thus the title “What God Expects of Pastors.”  We may have expectations of others and ourselves but what really matters is what God expects of us.  I think this is very important as to understand.  He is the one we are to serve and please, not ourselves.  And He alone knows what is most important.

God expects us to use the gifts He personally gives to us.  We shouldn’t try to be like someone else.  He expects us to continue to grow spiritually.  He expects pastor/ shepherds to protect His sheep from false teaching, harmful practices and equip them to have strong faith.  God expects us to mediate the Word regularly so we continue to learn it and grow. He expects us to take what we have learned and teach it to others, so they grow as well.  He doesn’t expect a pastor to do everything himself but to train others also.  He expects us to serve by doing what is best for them, not just what they want at the moment.  The most important people we serve are our families.  Our wives are our number “one sheep “ then our children.

It’s very important for all of us to know what God expects of us.  That’s why I start every conference with this session.  The target we shoot for in life is to be and do what God has planned for us.  If we don’t know what we are shooting for, we will never hit the target!  (January 27, 2018  Hyderabad, India)

1 Corinthians 12:27  Now you are the body of Christ, and each one of you is a part of it.

1 Corinthians 4:2 “Moreover it is required in stewards that one be found faithful.”


Make a list of what God expects of YOU.  Be as specific as you can.  Ask Him to help you in areas where you are weak. 

(For free copies of this book go to India.ChristianTrainingOrganization.org and click on “Download Books.”  To listen to an audio recording, watch a video recording or read the manuscript of the session click on “Conference Sessions.”)

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