So How Did It Go?

Pastor Moses and I have 2 days left in Tulsa until we each head back home.  This first trip together in the USA, sharing our India ministry with others, is almost over.  I’m sure everyone wants to know,  “How did it go?”  And my answer would be, “Great, beyond our expectations!”  That answer might be misunderstood to mean we have many more people signed up to pray for us and have received many large financial donations for CTO.  But that’s not what I’m referring to when I say it’s gone very, very well.

We have received $200 from a Christian school which took an impromptu offering after we spoke.  A church we spoke at also took an offering for us and we will be receiving that in the future.  Numerous people have said they’d pray for us and others have indicated possible future financial support as well.  That is great.  But the success or failure of this time doesn’t have to do with those kinds of numbers.  Unfortunately many American Christians, despite knowing better, still feel that larger is better in God’s sight.  The higher the numbers the greater the success.  But God doesn’t measure success by quantity, only be quality.  His yardstick for measuring success is faithfulness.

I feel we have been successful in sharing our ministry, in learning from others far more experienced in these things than we are, in trying to encourage those we have been talking to, in lifting up our great God by bragging about the wonderful things He is doing around the world, in making new friends that will last for eternity and in showing how God can use anyone He chooses to do His work.

Success in God’s sight is not about numbers (ask Jeremiah, or Isaiah or any number of Bible people).  It is about faithfully following and serving.  Who knows what comment was said that might have blessed or challenged someone, who will be rewarded by God for their commitment to pray for us or give to us, which child or adult has had a seed planted in their heart that will one day grow to become whatever God wants it to be.

So to answer your question, YES, it’s been a wildly successful trip because we’ve felt in the center of God’s will the whole time.  And when we are there, God will take care of the little stuff like money in His own time and way.  He is certainly faithful to us.  Now its up to us to be faithful to Him.

1 Corinthians 4:2 2 Now it is required that those who have been given a trust must prove faithful.

Matthew 6:33 But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.

Does what you are doing for the Lord seem small and insignificant, specially compared to some of the things others are doing?  God doesn’t look at it that way.  If He gave it to you to do then you are responsible to faithfully serve Him in any way you can.  It’s not small to Him!  Are you being the best mate, the best parent, the best steward, the best friend, the best employee, the best servant of the Lord you can be with the things God has given you?  Size doesn’t matter with God, but faithfulness does.  And each one of us can and must be faithful!  Pray and ask God to help you be faithful in what He has given you to do this day, and do not compare your life with anyone else.

INDIA UPDATE:  What an education we have received about missions around the world and in India as we have listened to others talk about their ministries.  It’s tremendously encouraging to meet so many fine Christians serving God here and in other countries.  God has blessed us in many many ways.  Thanks so much for your faithful prayers and support.

PLEASE PRAY for God to use what we have heard and what we have said for His glory.  Pray for all His servants, in this country and overseas, that His people everywhere would be faithful in whatever position He has put them and that He would be glorified.I found out we need to reprint “Spiritual Warfare” for we are almost out of the original 5,000.   Another 5,000 will cost almost $8,000 ($1.50+ a book).  Pray God would provide so we can have more copies made soon.

Christian Training Organization
(India Outreach, Spiritual Warfare, Family Ministries, Counseling, World View) Copyright ©1995-2025

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