No Empty Returns

As stated in the previous blog, our India ministry is not a one month of the year ministry but a year-round ministry.  The Word is given frequently and intensely for a month at the start of the year, and as a result during the other 11 months of the year the seeds planted take root and grow.  New truths are applied.  Books are read and passed on to others.  It may seem this ministry is not as active, but God’s Word continues its very active work 12 months a year!  The ripples spread out and continue, like throwing a rock into a body of water.

Sure, there are many behind-the-scenes activities for this ministry that keep me busy year round, but it is God’s continual watering of the newly planted seeds of His truth that continues unabated all year every year.  Truths taught nine and ten years ago are still bearing fruit in the lives of pastors and churches in India.  Many have been passed on to younger pastors and children growing up in pastors’ families.  I may only teach His Word there one month of the year, but it never stops and keeps going on and on eternally.

Be encouraged in your life by this truth.  When you share His word with others God takes that as well and brings in a harvest from it for years to come.  Don’t be discouraged by your current circumstances.  Things you have said to others from His Bible even many years ago are still bearing fruit, and will continue to do so.  Take every opportunity you have to day to share Scripture verses or truth with people who’s paths cross yours in daily life.  Continue to put His Word in the hearts and minds of others.  God will take it from there.  You may forget about it, but God remembers and uses it eternally for His glory. (Doylestown, PA April 6, 2015)

Isaiah 55:10-11 As the rain and the snow come down from heaven, and do not return to it without watering the earth and making it bud and flourish, so that it yields seed for the sower and bread for the eater, so is my word that goes out from my mouth: It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it.

Take a moment to pray for those with whom you have shared God’s Word in the past.  He promises to use it for His purpose and glory!  Think of those in your life today with whom God wants you to share portions of His Word.  Plan when and how to do so.  Just plant the seed, God will take it from there.

NEWS:  This is an email from Pastor Moses:“Hope you had nice Easter Worship and ministry. We had also a great ministry ,there are lots of new people came, and 4 young people were baptized. Also Pastor ______ from Mylavaram had baptized 2 people last week. Also two of our Pastors in Hyderabad, also baptized each one 3 and 6 people. Praise the Lord for Bibles, and Gospel tracts which we have distributed, there are lots of people coming to the Lord and taking away idols from their homes.  The Pastors were happy to have them and their churches were growing through the literature .The Pastors in Kodur met today for prayer and fellowship, their churches were growing with new people. Praise God for that. The believers in burnt church were asking to have some help to their church, to rebuild again soon.  With Blessings, PK Moses”

PRAYER REQUESTS: Pray God puts the Bibles and tracts into the hands of those who should receive them, and that they would be motivated to read and study them.  Thank God for those who have made their purchase possible.

Continue to pray for the accuracy of the translation of  the new “Bible Overview” book

Christian Training Organization
(India Outreach, Spiritual Warfare, Family Ministries, Counseling, World View) Copyright ©1995-2025

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