(Written by Alan Carlton)  As I have accompanied Dr. Jerry Schmoyer and Pastor P.K. Moses across India, it has become clear what a unique and valuable work is being done here by them . . . all on the cheap.  As an engineer, I am all about efficiency; the best product for the best price.  I like cheap . . . so long as the quality is there.

What Jerry and Moses bring to the poor pastors of south-central India is a travelling seminary . . . the only one like it I know about.  They give studies the pastors need, presented locally so it’s possible for them and their wives to attend.  Courses taught include both practical things they need to know (What God Expects from Pastors, Leadership Lessons from the Bible, Christian Family Relationships and Spiritual Warfare) as well as Bible studies (Bible Survey, Heaven, The Rapture, Prophecy and Specific Bible book studies).  These are all presented in a clear, well-structured manner, with the ideas all understandably and culturally translated into Telugu by Pastor Moses.  They are also accompanied by neat magic tricks that provide visual images that help them to remember what was said.  

Pastors and their wives comments afterward are unanimously very positive.   “We have never had teaching like this.”  “I just returned from a conference taught by our denomination where I didn’t understand the teaching . . . here I did.  It was wonderful.”  “Pastors’ families need this teaching.”  “I feel encouraged.”  “I learned how to become a mature Christian.”  “The books are great for studying.”  The only critical comment ever received was several years ago when a demon-possessed woman ran to the front and fell to the floor, raging and screaming “you can’t teach them about casting out demons.”  She was talking about the Spiritual Warfare teaching just completed.  The pastors all surrounded her, praying in Jesus’ name and the demon left her.  All Christian denominations are welcomed and taught.  This year, conferences were held at Baptist, Pentecostal, Mennonite, Church of South India, and Independent churches.  Teaching more than 1400 pastors and wives this year, attendees were from Baptist, Methodist, Lutheran E&R, Independent, Church of God, Mennonite, Church of Christ and other churches.  All teaching is basic Bible truth, with all pastors in harmony.

Fellowship between all the Christian pastors is a side benefit.  Time shared eating, sharing chai and sleeping together facilitates joint work for God’s glory in the future.

All of this benefit, given free to them, only costs about $15 per person (a little more for 5 day seminars), including the books they are given covering the material taught . . . about what you pay for a movie, popcorn and a coke.  Jerry’s and Pastor Moses’ time is a gift from them and their wives, as is airfare to get there.  They are totally uncompensated.  For free, each attendee receives:  

•2 days of top quality teaching in their native language (Telugu), delivered near their home•All meals during the conference

 •A small financial stipend to defray travel costs•Books covering all subjects taught . . . in Telugu

•A blanket and pillow and space to lie down in the church on the night between the conferences

•Fellowship time with their wives and other pastors

•The ability to serve God and their churches better

Donors should know that both Pastor Moses and Jerry know how to pinch a penny hard enough to make it squeal.  They are both frugal, Godly men with a passion for honoring God by training other pastors.  If you are a financial partner in this ministry, rest assured this is being done with very, very good stewardship.  When you get to heaven, you will meet many Indian Christians who will thank you for helping their pastor . . . and by this, them.

Gifts to support this work can be sent to:  Christian Training Organization, In Care of Jerry Schmoyer, 252 W. State St, Doylestown, PA  18901.  For a tax receipt at the end of the year make the donation out to Christian Training Organization.  By Alan Carlton (Hyderabad, January 25, 2015)

Matthew 25:16-18 The man who had received the five talents went at once and put his money to work and gained five more. So also, the one with the two talents gained two more. But the man who had received the one talent went off, dug a hole in the ground and hid his master’s money.

Pray God would provide for our needs to reach out and expand this ministry.  Pray for us to have wisdom in how best to use what He provides.

Christian Training Organization
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(India Outreach, Spiritual Warfare, Family Ministries, Counseling, World View) Copyright ©1995-2025


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