Sin Issues Men Deal With 2

In our last blog I wrote about some sin issues men struggle with: pride, anger and sexual immorality.  In this blog we’ll look at 2 more and what we can do to overcome them..

  1. GREED. From CEOs of big businesses to those who lead a church, men can be corrupted by power. In today’s world, power usually comes in the form of wealth. When men properly use money, they support their families, jobs, and hobbies.  Too often, though, money and things become symbols of power and independence.  The world determines self-worth by the amount of things a man has, but that is not God’s standard.  It is a substitute way of determining our value and worth.  No one can serve two masters, since either he will hate one and love the other, or he will be devoted to one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money. – Matthew 6:24  Where men mess up is when money replaces their reliance on God. Instead of turning to prayer, they pursue and pay money to have their life “fixed.” What they may forget is that money is temporary, but God is eternal.  In what area is your greed most evident?
  2. LAZINESS. Men can work very hard at what they are motivated to do. Unfortunately, those things may be self-centered.  Working hard to benefit another and not ourself is much harder.  That goes back to pride as well.  Often we are lazy when it comes to the things that really matter: serving our wife and children, working behind the scenes without recognition, especially at church.  The slacker craves, yet has nothing, but the diligent is fully satisfied. – Proverbs 13:4  A lazy man does not have much to offer his wife, family, job, or the world. In fact, laziness can be seen as a preoccupation with self, and an indifference toward others.  Terms like “couch potato” sound funny at face-value, but the concept has darker implications. The great men of the Bible, especially Jesus, were almost always on the move. God sent people to certain places to perform His works.  A lazy man stuck on the couch cannot perform any form of work in any area of his life. Very often, lazy men struggle to maintain any semblance of a job or relationship.  Even if there are areas in life where a man is very motivated, it’s how he approaches the tough things that have to be done that show if he is lazy or not.  The best way for a man to get motivated is to realize his value in the Lord’s eyes.  Once he understands his worth, he will recognize what he contributes to those around him.  When does your laziness come out the most?

Any male can be a self-centered, lazy, lustful, angry, materialistic person. That takes no work.  It comes naturally.  But being a godly man, becoming more and more like Jesus, takes our full commitment and focus.  Being a male is easy, but a man of God means to walk close to Jesus at all times.  A godly man must be aware of his pride issues and know how to overcome them.  Serving others, showing grace to everyone, having the fruit of patience and self-control and being open to self-evaluation and improvement is essential.  Finding a mentor, going to counseling when necessary and aligning your life goals with Jesus’ goals for you are important.  I have authored several articles about being a godly man, written from my own experiences as I follow that uphill path.  They are available on my website:

WOMEN (and I know you women wouldn’t pass up reading this blog about men!), I’d love to hear from you sharing some of the biggest sins you think women face.  Can someone please write a blog, or give me your thoughts on sin issues women deal with.  Thanks!!!

Do not be conformed to this age, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may discern what is the good, pleasing, and perfect will of God. – Romans 12:2

Pray for the areas you (if you are a man) or the men in your life (if you are a women) most struggle with.  Ask God to show you what you can do to help with this struggle, if it is yours or your mates.



Christian Training Organization

(India Outreach, Spiritual Warfare, Family Ministries, Counseling, World View)

Copyright © 2025

Christian Training Organization
(India Outreach, Spiritual Warfare, Family Ministries, Counseling, World View) Copyright ©1995-2025