Hypnosis: Is It OK for Christians?


What do you think about hypnosis? Some see it as a party game, others equated with magic our mind control.  Some medical professionals use it to block pain.  But what does the Bible say about hypnosis? Is it OK for Christians to be involved in?

First of all, just what is hypnosis. It is described as a relaxation technique that can help people to focus on a particular idea.  Hypnotism doesn’t work on everyone, only those who have a certain amount of suggestibility. A person has to be willing to undergo the process.  It is similar to a deep sleep but not exactly the same. Hypnosis cannot cause complete mind control. It is different than demonic possession where the free will of a person allows the demon to manipulate their mind and influence them in strong ways.  People under hypnosis cannot be made to do things they would find abhorrent, completely against their morals. Someone might do silly things under hypnosis, such as cluck like a chicken or cry. If the hypnotist told the person to take a gun and get on a plane to Detroit to kill someone, the patient would be confused and do nothing.

Contrary to popular belief, hypnotism is not very helpful in gaining access to past childhood memories. One could never be sure if it is a real memory or just something placed there by suggestion.  It clear that using hypnosis poorly can create a lot of trouble.  Panic appears to have been caused by people thinking that hypnosis had resurrected genuine memories of ritual abuse. Many of these cases were discredited.

The Bible doesn’t say anything specific about hypnotism one way or the other. We have to turn to biblical principles to come to conclusions.  First, the Bible encourages us to seek advice from many counselors (Proverbs 11:14). That means it is OK, even required, to talk to others to help us grow and work through issues.  It also means we should make sure the person we go to is well recommended by others and not something that can’t be verified.

Second, we are called to pursue wisdom and love the Lord our God with all our minds as well as with all of our strength and heart (Mark 12:30).  That means those we seek help from must also be seeking to totally follow God in their lives.  We are called to imitate Jesus Christ’s behavior and values (Philippians 2:5). Jesus not only saved us: he guides us today. Therefore, an important question we should ask ourselves before exploring any treatment plan is whether the person offering the treatment or the treatment program clashes with our values.  We can get good advice from those who aren’t Christians, but we must make sure it is agrees with Biblical principles and truth.

Do not fear hypnotism if there is an agreement among mature Christian counselors that it could help you.  But neither rush into it looking for a quick cure.  Remember that demons look for any opening they can find to gain access to us.  This often happens when we give up control of our rational mind like through trauma, alcohol or drugs or occult involvement.  Demons may sense that mental weakness and use it as an opening, so make sure you know what you are doing before allow anyone or anything to access your mind.

If you have had experience with hypnotism or know about it please write me and share your knowledge and experiences.  I would like to learn more about this.

Romans 12:1-2  Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship. Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.

What advice would you give someone considering hypnosis?  What would you do if someone suggested it might help you?


Christian Training Organization 



(India Outreach, Spiritual Warfare, Family Ministries, Counseling, World View)

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