Paul: A Leader Must Take a Stand


We have been looking at leadership lessons from Paul on his trip to Rome (Acts 27:1 – 28:10).  Here we see how to take a stand against sin and set a good example.

  1. A GODLY LEADER STANDS AGAINST SIN After 2 weeks of being violently tossed around by hurricane, the ship finally started approaching land (Acts 27:27-28). That meant the water became shallower and the danger of hitting rocks and being broken up were much greater (Acts 27:29). There was no way the people could swim to shore in that kind of weather.

While waiting for the morning light, some of the sailors tried to take a lifeboat to make it to shore by themselves. This would have left the rest of the ship without their help the next day when it was greatly needed. Paul discovered what they were doing and warned Julius that they must be stopped or everyone would drown (Acts 27:30-31).

It seems Paul’s leadership was now respected and trusted.  Julius listened to what he said and acted on his suggestion (Acts 27:32). Paul has proven himself and they willingly followed him. Giving someone a title does not automatically confer leadership. Those who show others they have their best interests in mind and know how to meet their needs earn it. As a prisoner who most likely would die a cruel death in Rome, Paul should have been the one trying to escape. Instead, he stopped others from doing so for the good of the group. He is not looking out for himself and personal gain, but for the good of everyone.

Notice, too, that Paul didn’t confront the fleeing sailors himself, but went to the one in authority to do so. He followed the chain of command. There are times we may be tempted to take things into our own hands, but it is better to work with the authority, be it the father of a family, the local government, or the head of a business. The same is true when dealing with people who are part of someone else’s ministry or church.

            Are you able to stand against sin, no matter who does it or for what reason? Can you point it out in love, privately at first, in a way that will restore the offending person? Do you work through those who are in authority over the person instead of taking things into your own hands? Can you point out sin no matter what others say to criticize you for doing so?

  1. A GODLY LEADER SETS A GOOD EXAMPLE Knowing the next day would be hard for everyone, Paul urged the people to eat to gain some much-needed strength (Acts 27:33-34). He set an example by starting to eat first (Acts 27:35). This encouraged everyone to do the same thing (Acts 27:36).

As leaders of the people in our ministry and children in our family, we must set a good example for them. We can’t expect them to do what we say unless we first do it ourselves. We are always being watched, even when we don’t think so. Little things, which we may not even notice, are observed by others. We need to keep a good reputation among unbelievers, but we also need to set a standard for believers. By setting a good example, we also show others how to live for Jesus and how to respond under various situations. We can’t expect our children or our people to do what we say if we aren’t doing it ourselves!

What example do you set for your children? What about the people in your ministry? Do you see any bad habits or traits in them, which they picked up from following you? When have you set a good example for others?  When have you set a bad example? Whose example do you watch and follow?  Why?


Christian Training Organization

(India Outreach, Spiritual Warfare, Family Ministries, Counseling, World View)

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