Why Do Bad Things Happen to Good People?
WHY DO BAD THINGS HAPPEN TO GOOD PEOPLE Forty years ago, my only sibling, a younger sister, died of cancer. She left a husband and two young boys. Many who …
WHY DO BAD THINGS HAPPEN TO GOOD PEOPLE Forty years ago, my only sibling, a younger sister, died of cancer. She left a husband and two young boys. Many who …
THE MOTHERHOOD OF GOD We think of God as “Father,” and rightly so. He is always referred to in with male pronouns. The Lord’s Prayer tells us to pray “Our …
THE PRIVILEGE OF PASTORING A SMALL CHURCH I have been a pastor for well over 50 years. I pastored several different churches when I was starting out, but then spent …
WOULD GOD EVER SEND A DEMON TO ATTACK SOMEONE? Would God ever send a demon to attack a person? You might think, “Of course not! He wants us free from …
WHAT DO YOU SEE IN YOUR MIRROR? (How God Sees Us – 4) If you were asked how to describe yourself, what would you say? Would you focus on your …
REASONS TO REST We live in a time when everyone is very busy. Those who aren’t always active are sometimes seen as lazy or unimportant. We assume that if …
AWAITING JESUS’ RETURN (Titus 14) READ: Titus 3:8-15 Those who preach or teach know that the conclusion to a message is very important. It is the last thought you leave …
THE PRINCE WHO LIVED LIKE A PAUPER (How God Sees Us – 3) A kind, benevolent king had a son whom he loved dearly. But the son didn’t feel he …
DID JESUS REALLY PERFORM MIRACLES? The Old Testament contains many miracles. People often deny them, looking for other explanations for how the events took place. If the miracles weren’t true, …
EAGLES LIVING LIKE CHICKENS (How God Sees Us – 2) One day a farmer found an eagle egg and put it with his chickens who hatched and raised it. The …