Dealing With My Doubts

DEALING WITH MY DOUBTS   I consider myself a rational, analytical type person. I need proof before I’ll believe something. I don’t go by my feelings or emotions. I’ve always been …

Angel Allies

ANGEL ALLIES When you enter a fight, it’s important to know who is on your side.  Who can you count on?  Who has your back?  A country must know who …

Satan’s Game Plan

SATAN’S GAME PLAN It’s much easier to defeat an opponent if you know their game plan.  That’s true in sports, business and warfare.  Those following Jesus find themselves in a …

The Importance of Contentment

THE IMPORTANCE OF CONTENTMENT   (Lessons from Paul 3) Imagine going from being well-off, highly respected, a community leader and a very popular leader to being flogged, beaten, stoned and imprisoned?  …