Stages of Christian Experience

            I’m still thinking about a short blog my daughter sent me. It is based on Paul and Silas’ visit to Philippi (Acts 16).  They were faithfully serving God but …

Heroes That Encourage

            We can’t talk about unsung heroes of the Bible, and especially of Paul’s life, without mentioning Barnabas.  Actually his name was Joseph but his nickname became “Son of Encouragement” …

Are We Having Fun Yet?

            After one of my first trips to India someone asked me, “Did you have fun?”  The question so took me back I am still thinking about it!  We seem …

“More” Grace?

            In India we must totally rely on God’s grace.  We are totally out of our element, our comfort zone, and if anything good is to happen it must be …

From Nancy

We have been here 1 week now and I’m still trying to get in a pattern. Mostly the pattern is get up, eat quickly-drive 2-3 hrs- then sit and listen …


Activities and events in the USA are organized, scheduled, and carried out in a systematic way.  So when we come to India we assume the same is true.  It doesn’t …

Improving Your Serve

We see many fine examples of servanthood among the Christians in India.  To be honest, we do see a few self-centered, proud people as well, but the majority are humble …

Battling Pride

  Ever since I was young, I have been uncomfortable receiving compliments.  On the one hand I love them, need them and remember them for years.  Verbal affirmation is definitely my …

Hit the Ground Running

FROM NANCY: Conference #1 DONE !!!!! All went well. Seems like this year the conferences will be smaller (50-75 pastors) because of the venues and it makes logistics more manageable. …