India Pastors, Churches and Christians
PASTORS Gracious, exuberant Christian men that love to praise the Lord The average age of pastors is somewhere between 19 and 30. Pentecostals pastors respond to all of Jerry’s tricks …
PASTORS Gracious, exuberant Christian men that love to praise the Lord The average age of pastors is somewhere between 19 and 30. Pentecostals pastors respond to all of Jerry’s tricks …
I don’t know how your Sunday was, but I bet it wasn’t like ours! We went to 6 different churches, each pastored by a man we help support financially and …
FOOD I saw a high tech reverse osmosis water filtering system in the home of a large church pastor. Others buy water coolers with filtering systems Chai means tea, but …
Testimonies: Things we hear repeated over and over after every conference. They call Pastor Moses and tell him these things after the conferences as well: “We never had a conference …
The recent pastors’ conference went very well. God blesses each one. No two are exactly, and some touch me more than others for various reasons. This recent one was specifically …
Rev. Lesley Wade, pastor of Central Hunterdon Baptist Church in Flemmington, NJ, is along with us and a great help and encouragement. He contributes in many ways. He sends a …
A second (and third) water well has been drilled. Pastor Moses made the arrangements for these in Mellamarru, a village we visit every year. It is Moses’ home village, where …
Every time I go to India I have a backup plan for everything. I have a place B Coe e everything important. The chance of the unforeseen and unexpected happening …
We talked about what “hallowed” in the Lord’s Prayer means: “holy, sacred, honored.” “Holy be Your Name” therefore means “May Your Name be special, sacred, holy, honored.” That we can …
The Lord’s Prayer is one we love and use often because it is so simple and understandable. That is, most of it is simple and understandable. Unfortunately the first phrase …