Mostly, my blogs are about what God is doing in India. However, these blogs are about what God is doing in me)
Early in my ministry God exposed me to spiritual warfare and brought someone into my life to teach and mentor me. It’s been part of my ministry ever since. I have grown in knowledge and experience.
In many ways it is easier to teach and train Christians in spiritual warfare in India than here. In the USA a large portion of my material explains the necessity for spiritual warfare. In India that is not needed. Demonic powers manifests overtly, often and quite in-your-face. Christians are hungry for the truth of God’s victory over Satan. I am very appreciative for this spiritual tool. I have seen God’s victory over Satan and his forces many times. He protects us as we go in His name. God’s power ’works’ in the darkest of Satan’s strongholds.
It is thrilling to see Indian believers discover and experience power in Jesus. Sometimes evil forces have been tormenting and defeating them for generations. I close every conference with a lesson on spiritual warfare and an intercessory prayer. It is truly a useful tool in India it. God has used me to teach them but I have learned much about spiritual warfare while in India.
IGNORANT, SKEPTICAL of demonic activity | AWARE, CONVINCED of demonic activity |
View the demonic as a sources of oppression as a LAST RESORT | Demonic source ALWAYS CONSIDERED |
USA founded in LIGHT, turning to DARKNESS | In past DARKNESS, now LIGHT coming |
SUBTLE, HIDDEN work of Satan | OPEN, OBVIOUS work of Satan |
CAMOUFLAGED activities, GRAY to hide it | OVERT EVIL evident, DARK clearly shown |
Christians UNTRAINED, FEARFUL of demons | Christians UNTRAINED, FEARFUL of demons |
Demons, Satan GROWING STRONGER | Demons, Satan slowly LOSING GROUND |
Satan’s power in the US is slowly growing as we turn further from Jesus, while in India, his power is slowly fading as thousands are coming to salvation. I thank God for the privilege of taking what He has shown me and transplant it into India. May God continue to bless and use His Word as it brings deliverance to His people.
(Much information about spiritual warfare, including 2 free books, is on my web site, I also have a spiritual warfare weekly blog you can sign up for on line or by emailing me. If you have any questions or need prayer or help please email me and I will gladly do whatever I can to help you.)
Proverbs 14:34 Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a disgrace to any people.
2 Corinthians 2:11 in order that Satan might not outwit us. For we are not unaware of his schemes.
Where do you see sin increasing in this country and righteousness fading? What must happen for those things to be changed? Pray specifically for each one you think of. Then pray and ask God what YOU can do to make a difference in those areas.