I AM CLOSER TO MY WIFE (Lessons Learned From India)

Mostly, my blogs are about what God is doing in India.  However, these blogs are about what God is doing in me)

            My trips to India have drawn Nancy & I closer. Being away from her for a month when I needed her most, helped me really appreciate her and the love we share.  It deepened my desire and commitment to enjoy every moment with her at home.

            God blessed that desire in us and gave us a oneness we never imagined.  I don’t have words to express it.  I feel I could not love her more, but then I DO!  My love is more “heart consuming” than anything I could imagine. I don’t know how to contain it!  It definitely is a God thing and we thank Him for it.

            In the past, we missed some time together  but now God has given us both quality and quantity time that more than makes up for the lost time.  I am so glad she accompanies me to India now. I couldn’t go without her.  God knows that – in fact He is the one who showed her that!

            She supports me in every part of the ministry.  She is my dietician as we try to eat from a suitcase stuffed with American foods to prevent us from getting sick.  When I do get sick she is my nurse (she is a RN– God knew what He was doing when He picked her for me).  She is my friend, my traveling companion, my second pair of eyes and ears as we navigate airports and daily life in India.  Sharing the experience brings us closer as well.  It adds to the wonderful treasure of ‘history’ we share.  And, yes, she is my personal extrovert; a wonderful asset as we meet new people all day, every day (you introverts will know what I am talking about). 

            I never imagined this would result from my trips to India; it is a totally unexpected benefit.  But  I thank Him for it!

Genesis 2:18  The Lord God said, “It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him.”

Proverbs 31:10  A wife of noble character who can find? She is worth far more than rubies.

Proverbs 18:22 He who finds a wife finds a good thing, and obtains favor from the Lord.

If you are widowed or single, God has put people in your life to walk with you through your journey on earth.  Think of some of them and thank God for them.

If you are married, how is your relationship?  Is it all you ever thought it could be ?  If not, do what we did: ask God to give you the love for your mate  He wants you to have.  Work on your marriage.  (I have lots of helpful articles at https://www.christiantrainingonline.org/our-ministries/family/articles-books/  or you can write me for prayer or advice).

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