Handling Stress God’s Way
“Come to Jesus and He will remove all your problems.” Have you ever heard that? Do you believe it? If it’s true, then either something is very wrong with Jesus …
Welcome to Christian Training Organization, an evangelical 501(c)3 Christian ministry devoted to helping people better understand and grow in their faith. Specifically, we focus on training pastors in India, discipling teenagers in the USA, counseling people in spiritual warfare matters worldwide and helping strengthen marriages and families locally and abroad. God has equipped and burdened us in these special areas of ministry and we find it a joy and delight serving Him in this way.
These are the current active ministries of the Christian Training Organization.
The India Ministry conducted by CTO is a year-round effort to better equip and encourage pastors in India who have minimal opportunities to receive pastoral and biblical training and on their own. We also provide financial support to assist pastors in need, as well as help with health and building needs when possible.
Our Marriage and Family Ministries at CTO consist of mentoring, training, and providing educational materials. We have a yearly weekend retreat for couples. We also speak at other marriage retreats when invited. Many individuals, families, teens and marriages receive support as part of our ministry. We provide free education through a book on marriage, many articles, and blogs. Articles focus on marriage, men’s issues, women’s struggles, raising children and teens, emotional and sexual issues and others. Free training is available through email or in person. Our website includes many articles and much information is available.
We approach this from a Biblical, evangelical perspective. We have a prayer ministry for those who send in requests and a referral list for those who want to contact someone who lives in their area. We provide free education about spiritual warfare through books, articles, and regular blogs. Our website provides much information for those who want to learn more about this important subject.
This ministry centers around a week-long Bible conference for teens and college students interested in learning to better understand, defend and share their faith. There are group teaching sessions, separate group sessions for boys and girls, advanced and beginner classes. The week is filled with worship, fellowship, and group and individual relationship-building activities.
Christian Training Organization, by its charter, undertakes such acts as it deems necessary to train people in key aspects of the Christian Faith, helping believers learn more about God, Jesus and the Bible and growing the people in the full application of that knowledge. This may be done in any part of the world where there is the opportunity, through appropriate and relative means, such as literature, the internet or ministering in
Christian Training Organization was founded in 2013 by Rev. Dr. Jerry Schmoyer, a graduate of Dallas Theological Seminary (ThM 1975, DMin 2006) and for over 35 years pastor of Main Street Baptist Church in Doylestown, PA. It was formed as an umbrella organization to continue several specific ministries in which Rev. Schmoyer was involved while a pastor. Despite retiring from his church pastorate, his desire was to continue these ministries for which he has been gifted and trained.
We are a Biblically based ministry, sharing the good news of our salvation by faith in Jesus Christ alone. We believe that all the answers to life, its problems, and its values, originate from God alone and that His inspired Word, the Bible, is the foundation of all we believe and live for.
English site: https://thirdmill.org/
Telegu site: http://telugu.thirdmill.org/
Hindi site: http://hindi.thirdmill.org/
Spanish site: http://spanish.thirdmil.org/
Director Rev. Dr. Jerry Schmoyer is a graduate of Dallas Theological Seminary where he received his ThM in 1975 and DMin in 2006. He served as pastor of Main Street Baptist Church in Doylestown, PA., from 1981 to 2016. He is the father of six children and grandfather of numerous grandchildren. The Schmoyer’s have homeschooled for 27 years, during which time he was the leader of Bucks Area Home Schoolers. He and his wife Nancy, a nurse, have been married since 1979. He can be reached at jerry@schmoyer.net.
“Come to Jesus and He will remove all your problems.” Have you ever heard that? Do you believe it? If it’s true, then either something is very wrong with Jesus …
Wisdom. We use the word often. We apply it to others, Sometimes we even claim to have it ourselves. But what exactly is wisdom? How do we get it? How …
When I started pastoring 50+ years ago I never imagined I’d have a ministry in spiritual warfare. I didn’t even know what spiritual warfare was until about 40 years ago. …
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